Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Lead Vocal (Adam Gontier)
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Back Vocal (Brad Walst)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Back Vocal (Brad Walst)
Electric Guitar (muted]

Rhythym Guitar (Adam Gontier)
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Lead Guitar (Adam Gontier)
Tango Accordion

Rhythym Guitar (Adam Gontier)
Overdriven Guitar

Lead Guitar (Adam Gontier)
Overdriven Guitar

Bass (Brad Walst)
Acoustic Bass

Drums (Neil Sanderson)
Eve-ry time we lie a-wake af-ter eve-ry hit we take eve-ry fee-ling that I get but I ha-ven't missed you yet Eve-ry room-mate kept a-wake by eve-ry sigh and scream we make all the fee-lings that I get but I still don't miss you yet On-ly when I stop to think a-bout it I hate eve-ry-thing a-bout you why do I love you I hate eve-ry-thing a-bout you why do I love you Eve-ry time we lie a-wake af-ter eve-ry hit we take eve-ry fee-ling that I get but I ha-ven't missed you yet On-ly when I stop to think a-bout it I hate eve-ry-thing a-bout you why do I love you I hate eve-ry-thing a-bout you why do I love you On-ly when I stop to think a-bout you I know On-ly when you stop to think a-bout me do you know I hate eve-ry-thing a-bout you why do I love you You hate eve-ry-thing a-bout me why do you love me I hate you hate I hate you love me I hate eve-ry-thing a-bout you why do I love you